
Ambrosini: Phonurgia

On 15 November in the Jenö Takács Saal in Oberschützen, the Orchestra of the Oberschützen Institute of the Kunstuniversität Graz (KUG) will perform the world premiere of Claudio Ambrosini’s Phonurgia. Additional performances will take place on 16 November in the Stefaniensaal in Graz and on 17 November at the Kulturzentrum in Eisenstadt. The piece, commissioned by the orchestra to celebrate the 50th anniversary of its founding, will be conducted by the composer.

Commenting on the work, Ambrosini writes:

"Phonurgia: the creation…the making of sounds…giving them sense on their path towards being listened to. A boundless process on which Athanasius Kircher [who wrote Phonurgia Nova (1673)] too reflected... To invent sounds, reworking the elementary material: breath, wood, skin, metal, strings, air, space, energy… To seek out all types of sound, from the richest and most sparkling to the most tatty, impoverished, indistinguishable…"