
Gautier Capuçon premieres Manoury’s Cello Concerto

Gautier Capuçon premieres Manoury’s Cello Concerto

While in residence with the Orchestre de Chambre de Paris, Philippe Manoury was commissioned to write a concerto for cellist Gautier Capuçon. Stemming from his work Chaconne, for cello solo - which premiered a few months ago by the cellist Marc Coppey as part of the 90th birthday celebrations for Pierre Boulez at the Philharmonie de Paris - Manoury chose to develop a fractal style in this new concerto  through a mise en abîme of sounds that allowed him to achieve a structure that tends towards the infinite. 

In the video interview given to Durand, Philippe Manoury describes how he built and developed this new orchestral piece, and notably comes back to the concept of time, which is currently the predominant theme in his musical composition.