
Boccadoro: Concerto for cello and orchestra

Written for soloist Enrico Dindo and conductor Gianandrea Noseda, Carlo Boccadoro’s Concerto for cello and orchestra will be premiered by the Orchestra del Teatro Regio in Turin on May 18.

“The piece – as the composer explains – is through-composed and lasts about 25 minutes without interruption but internally divided into three parts. The first ‘movement’ alternates between moments of unfettered cantabilità and more rhythmic and virtuosic sections. The slower central movement presents the solo cello interacting with the brass section in a marked harmonic tension. A third and final movement has a lively, jazz-like character and uses the whole orchestra as a big band with virtuosic interjections from the solo cello. The piece has been commissioned by the Teatro Regio.”

Carlo Boccadoro: work list